Domna-Maria Kaimaki

I am an engineer interested in understanding the physical mechanisms behind complex interfacial systems.

My research focuses on surfaces and complex interfaces & adhesion in engineering and biological systems with applications for the environment and human health.

What I Do

Problem solve

Through my electrical engineering background I have developed the patience and methodical approach needed for problem solving. This has proven essential when working with complex systems and attempting to deconvolve their signals. In addition, I constantly use my fascination with control (and PIDs in particular) to tune equipment to be used at the limits of its functionality or design small rigs to meet experimental needs.


I use experimental & data-driven approaches to understand the interaction of materials of different mechanical properties and its effect in the function of complex systems. I have previously focused on the nano and microscale effects and I am currently exploring their scaling to the macroscale.


My work has been published in peer-reviewed journals & presented in national and international conferences as well as to industrial partners. Beyond research, I am also actively engaged in outreach through Pint of Science and Imperial College initiatives and I am a co-founder of "Discussions for Change", an event series to discuss and engage researchers in societal issues.


Throughout my PhD and postdoc, I have supervised 6 MEng and 1 MRes students in their thesis projects. Further experience includes being an assistant supervisor for a PhD student, supervising a group undergraduate project and summer interns & leading small group teaching sessions and labs for 1st and 2nd year engineering students.


9th July: Invited Speaker at the Phasmid Study Group Meeting, Natural History Museum
8th July: New paper made Imperial College Science News!
22nd June: New paper at the Journal of the Royal Society Interface!

Fun Facts for 2022

Challenges accepted & completed


Km Walked


Home-cooked Food Shared with Friends


Coffees Consumed